E-learning has become a major trend among Universities and several Educational environments; as it presents better interaction between students and teachers in a productive way virtually online. E-Learning is also known as Virtual Learning Application or Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), can be thought of as a Content Management system of the huge contents that are stored and interacted with on a regular basis [1] . Second Life is one of the common technologies known and used as a VLE.
Second Life is a free 3D virtual world developed in 2003 by Philip Rosedale, it is a Computer - based environment where real people, represented by an avatar can socialize, connect, work, play, create and more importantly learn and educate [2].
The purpose of this project is to build a prototype of London Metropolitan existing science lab in Second Life in order to teach students Safety and precautions procedures generally; as guidance I was provided "Safety Code of Practice" and went through steps of getting into the lab.
The importance of lab safety cannot be emphasized strongly enough. Lab instructors as well as the faculty are legally liable for student injuries, are ultimately responsible for students safety. Yet, the problem isn't in teaching lab safety, it is in students practicing and applying the precautions!!!
Unfortunately, "students just keep ignoring signs and basic lab requirements" said Philip - head of health and Safety in London Metropolitan University - although there is formal safety training; students take some important precautions for granted.
Regarding this assignment, as discussed with my client, I will focus on the very basics: process of getting into the lab and getting ready to start safely. So building the actual place was a priority in this mission. Students should be able to use their avatars in learning in Second Life. It is essential to present a step by step instruction list as guidance to clearly explain how students could start the whole process.
Pedagogy is teaching method: the principles and methods of instruction. Referring to Alan Hudson, "Pedagogy is the art and science of how something is taught and how students learn it". Pedagogy is the way of teaching something and the learning outcomes for students.
For this project, the way of teaching would be taking students through the process of getting started and the expected learning outcomes are the basic steps to starting safely, meaning of specific signs.
Design Rational
Education and society, there is an inter-linkage between them as education is influenced greatly by various societal factors. Education is not only the mode of learning facts and figures. Most of our learning actually happens when we observe and learn from those around us. In this aspect, the society and the people who belong to it play a major role
Since, the lab already exist the main target was to build the lab as real as possible, so I took pictures of the actual place and started copying them into the design. Although, I didn’t have to worry about designing issues it wasn’t easy applying… SL was already chosen by the Science Dept. as stated “SL is a commonly used platform that we wish to engage through” mentioning that they wish in the future to make it an mandatory process that students will take before actually getting into the lab as the department doesn’t have enough funds to risk waste of toxic and expensive materials.
So basically how students will learn, is getting familiarized with the location (if the lab is exactly the same as the one exist) there won’t be a problem applying in real life.
Report continued...
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